
Video: Monterosso Cinque Terre (english)

This week we propose to our international guest the first of a small serie of video about the 5 Terre and we'll publish one video for each village, follow the updates in the next weeks. The village is Monterosso This videos are very interesting; they've been produced by Dennis Callan. Dennis has been president of the Hawaii Geographic Society since 1986 and led his first two Europe tours in 1987. Since then he has formed his own travel company and conducted over 35 tours throughout Europe, as well as 9 tours in the Americas, doing most of the lecturing and coordinating the logistics while shooting video every step of the way.

con Facilità

Il Treno, sicuramente il mezzo di viaggio migliore per visitare le Cinque Terre e lasciarsi incantare dalla bellezza del mare ligure. Dal 16 Marzo è in servizio il treno 5 Terre Express per viaggiare comodamente tra La Spezia Centrale, Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza, Monterosso e Levanto con unico biglietto a tariffa singola, approfittando dell'offerta di 100 treni al giorno, 7 gg su 7, ogni 15 minuti