One month after the flood that hitted Vernazza, Monterosso and a large area between east Liguria and North Tuscany, the situation is still a long way to be solved.
These picture taken today (Nov. 24th) show the main street of Vernazza "Via Roma" devastated like after a"tsunami" or a battlefield.
In the meantime we've set up this site to receive your donation for the Cinque Terre.
The donation are managed by the non-profit local organization "Pubblica Assistenza" Riomaggiore-Manarola, a basic and localized org. which is managing the 5terre emergency.
We can directly help those in most need with our knowledge of the area and sea, doing this much faster and more efficiently than the larger institutions.
That's an important point, please share this information, we need your HELP!
Il Treno, sicuramente il mezzo di viaggio migliore per visitare le Cinque Terre e lasciarsi incantare dalla bellezza del mare ligure. Dal 16 Marzo è in servizio il treno 5 Terre Express per viaggiare comodamente tra La Spezia Centrale, Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza, Monterosso e Levanto con unico biglietto a tariffa singola, approfittando dell'offerta di 100 treni al giorno, 7 gg su 7, ogni 15 minuti