
Shuttle Bus timetable in Cinque Terre spring 2012

Here we come with an updated timetable of the shuttle bus service in the 5 Terre valid from March 2012.

Some things to remind:

  • This timetable is subjected to changes, we don't guarantee its accuracy. This post has to be intended as guideline and basic information, ask for precise information in the info point of the 5T National Park.
  • The bus service is a connection between the historic centres of  each Village and its upper part, its parking ( always located in the high part of the towns) and its hamlets in the surrounding hills; there's no BUS connection between the 5 coastal villages. The connection between the coastal villages is guarantee by train, ferry (not Corniglia) and road (we'll publish soon a detailed guide to the current road situation).
  • The shuttle bus service is included in the Cinque Terre Card; on-board is also available a ticket for the single stroke.
  • Vernazza is currently in troubles due to the flood occurred last October; the road is still under recostruction and the shuttle strokes are reduced to the minimum. It's recommended not to drive to Vernazza, of course the situation is in progress and we invite you to follow our regular updates on this blog and on our twitter channel!/cinque_terre
  • There's no timetable for Corniglia: the shuttle BUS departure is scheduled from the train station toward the town at every train arrival in both directions.


con Facilità

Il Treno, sicuramente il mezzo di viaggio migliore per visitare le Cinque Terre e lasciarsi incantare dalla bellezza del mare ligure. Dal 16 Marzo è in servizio il treno 5 Terre Express per viaggiare comodamente tra La Spezia Centrale, Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza, Monterosso e Levanto con unico biglietto a tariffa singola, approfittando dell'offerta di 100 treni al giorno, 7 gg su 7, ogni 15 minuti